Riverina USA Feedlot & Agricultural Tour

Posted July 14, 2017

Riverina has organised a second USA Feedlot and Agricultural Study Tour for our customers. Starting on 8th July, 50 of our customers and friends arrived in the US, along with Riverina’s Glen Whitton and Geoff Byers.

Our aim in offering this tour is to educate our fellow agricultural community on what our American counterparts are doing in their operations. Tour participants will visit some of the most influential cattle businesses in the USA (and some necessary tourist attractions along the way!).
We hope this experience helps our customers gain new knowledge into practices they can implement into their operations, to help progress their own enterprises.
We were lucky to get some of the best people in the business to open up their operations for our guests to learn as much as possible. Of course they’ll be having fun as well – seems they’re having a great time so far!
Watch this space and our social channels as we will be doing regular updates on their trip. Who knows - you might learn something new!
Pictures of their trip so far are on the left.

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