2017 National Farm Safety Week – Riverina Safety Awareness

Posted July 21, 2017

This week in Australia we recognise 2017 National Farm Safety Week, promoted by Farmsafe Australia Incorporated. This is an important week in our industry, as injuries sustained on farms are a real problem.

We all need to be more aware of this and consider safety concerns before action takes place. According to Farmsafe Australia, last year 63 persons died from accidental death on Australian farms.

Safework Australia prepared and published a report that found males are much more susceptible to injuries, with men accounting for 92% of fatalities, 85% of hospitalisations and 77% of workers’ compensation claims in the Australian agricultural industry.

Riverina is dedicated to the safety of our workers and our customers, whether in the office, warehouse, paddock or vehicle cab – and we want to promote awareness of this to other agricultural companies and workers. There are several great resources available on the Farmsafe Australia Incorporated website, including their National Farm Safety Week section.

The ‘week’ may be over soon, but why should it just be a week? We believe that safety stays relevant every day of the year. We encourage you to review your equipment and processes for possible improvements, and pass the word on!

Keep an eye out for family members and visitors to your property or site. They may not be aware of potential dangers in the environment, and you can potentially save a life with a few words of caution. Help to avoid any unnecessary injuries or deaths - because it's not just a livelihood at risk, it's a life.

Be safe, hard workers!


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